Ratsy's Store Update!!!
Friday, May 1, 2020

Welcome to my first ever Ratsy's Store Newsletter!
As I'm guessing everybody in the world currently knows... little stores like mine are apparently non-essential. Which means I can't sell anything like I used to back in the good old days, when people used to walk in, look at stuff... pick it up, giggle and chat and then maybe buy something. Nope... Those days are over.
Hopefully we can have some sort of modified version of that in the future, but for now I've finally set up a little store online where you can find a few of my fun items, purchase them and then have them mailed in a box that arrives at your very own door! RATSY'S ONLINE STORE
In case you are curious what I've been doing for the past month... I spent awhile realizing that the only help for small businesses like me would be "loans", which would have to be paid back (as if I would have tons more money once we were allowed to open again). However, that isn't even important, because there aren't even any loans available! Yay!
So, one day I decided to try to make a mask. I saw some patterns online, made one and wore it on a walk with Plant Enthusiast Brian.
I posted a photo on Instagram/Facebook and immediately had people ask if I were making the masks to sell. From that point on, I've been sewing masks (Masks I've made in photos above). Not exactly how I had seen my future life, but at least I have a little money coming in to pay some of the bills on my expensive storage space (aka my store) and my home. As my Mom often says, "Better than a sharp stick in the eye!"
At first I was just taking orders through online messages, but recently I got a little shop set up on RATSY.COM and am now able to sell some other things as well, like earrings, socks, dinosaur people etc. Yay!!!
So, if you are sitting around at home and are not completely broke... perhaps you'd like to help keep my shop afloat by having me send you something fun in the mail???
Maybe you don't know how to sew and want to have a homemade mask by your old pal, Ratsy? Or maybe you want to buy one to give away to somebody that needs one? Maybe you want to buy some offensive socks to have sent to a friend to cheer them up? Maybe Mom needs a gift? (It's almost Mother's Day!)
I'm still quite new to this online store stuff, but if there's something you're interested in let me know!!! It gives me something fun to do other than sewing masks!!
Hope you're staying well!
Know that I miss you and can't wait until you can come into my little shop, while we both wear masks and squirt each other with sanitizer through a big thick plexiglass shield!!!
I can't wait!!!!
Until that day, you can follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK and stop by my online store to see what's NEW! RATSY'S ONLINE STORE!!!
A little bit of Ratsy's Store FUN can be delivered right to your door.
Thanks for your continued support.
You're the best!
Happy whatever day today is!!!
Want to help, but can't afford to buy stuff:
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